UnFuckIt Discussion, Jan 11, 2021

With all the insanity in the past week, we definitely had no lack of topics to discuss.  Covid19 latest bullshitery, the window of "Time outside of Time" from the Solstice to January, Global Lockdowns, and political upheaval... and a very humorous discussion about swearing in different countries! Later this week we will have a special UnFuckIt discussion to take a look at…


UnFuckIt Discussion … Welcome to 2021, ugh

What can I say about this so called "new" year?   Rinse & Repeat?  But now the usual insanity is pumped up on steroids and psychoactive drugs and strung out on a constant diet of lies and bullshit..... and that's just the politicians and the media!!!! Seriously....what reality is this? ....and yep, it seems that my channel is now officially been labeled :…